Annabel Daou







Books & Catalogues


Benita Meissner, Auf Der Such, DG Kunstraum, Munich, Germany (Exhibition Catalog)


Kevser Güler, Süreyyya Evren (eds.), On celestial bodies (Exhibition Catalog)

Scott Sherer, Trauma and Response, UTSA (Exhibition Catalog)

Tame The Wilderness published by Brief Histories


Christine Macel, Rachael Thomas (eds.), What We Call Love: From Surrealism to Now, Irish Museum of Modern Art,

Dublin, Ireland (Exhibition Catalog)

Vesela Sretenović, Intersections@5, Contemporary Art Projects at the Phillips, The Phillips Collection, DC


Katherine Stout (Ed.), Contemporary Drawing: from the 1960s to Now, Tate Publishing

Claire Gilman and Melissa Gronlund, et al, Drawing Papers 108


Ranya Husami, Orienteering, 12th Cairo International Biennale (Exhibition Catalog)

Michael Corris, et al., Art, Word and Image: 1,000 Years of Textual/Visual Interaction, Reaktion Books


“the gun is cocked,” Gagarin 18, Antwerp, Belgium

New York, New Drawings: 1946-2007, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Esteban Vicente, Segovia, Spain (Exhibition


Vesela Sretenovic, et al, KNOT, David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, RI (Exhibition Catalog)

Donald Russell and Niels Van Tomme, Close Encounters 2, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Provisions Library, New York

Nat Muller et al, Contemporary Art in the Middle East, ARTWORLD, Black dog Publishing, UK


Klaus Biesenbach and Jenny Schlenzka, Political/Minimal, KW Berlin (Exhibition Catalog)

Anne Pasternak, Lucy Lippard et al, Creative Time: The Book, Princeton Architectural Press, New York

Nato Thompson, A Guide to Democracy in America, Creative Time Books


Lourdes Castillo et al, Arte-Sociedad-Reflexion, Havana Biennial Catalog

Articles & Reviews (selected)


Monopol Magazine review, April (Print)


Q&A: ANNABEL DAOU (PART II) Strange Fire Collective, Rafael Soldi

Six Questions for Annabel Daou, Tique


William Kherbek, Berlin Gallery Weekend 2021:Stalked by Melancholia and Lamentation, Flash Art

Hanno Hauenstein, Gallery Weekend 2021: Die zehn Highlights, die man gesehen haben muss, Berliner Zeitung

”Top Five: January 20, 2021,” Glasstire, January 20


Art at a Time Like This curated by Barbara Pollack and Anne Verhallen

ASK ME A QUESTION THAT HAS NO ANSWER, special issue This Is Not A Rehearsal, Canvas Magazine (June)

Gabriella Angeleti, Annabel Daou will take on your worries, The Art Newspaper (April)

Wendy Vogel, Annabel Daou at signs and symbols, Artforum (April)

Asha Sheshadri, Multi-Vocal, Canvas Magazine (March/April)


The Hoosac Institute, Journal 3

“Special Issue: Painful Remembrances,” Athenaeum Review 3 (fall/winter 2020)

Jimenez Lai, “Between Irony and Sincerity,” Log 46 (summer 2019)


Barbara MacAdam, “Vasari Diary: The Poetic Politics of Stefana McClure and Annabel Daou, and James Ivory Interprets

ARTnews, (December 20)

Léa Polverini, “Annabel Daou déchire et répare…”, L’Orient Le Jour, (August 29)

Kevin Jones, “Art Publics,” Canvas Magazine, (June)

“Chou Hayda?:Les antiquités du Liban racontées par ses habitants”, Agenda Culturel, (June 22)

Maghie Ghali, “New Mathaf Guide Questions History,” The Daily Star, (May 22)


Rafael Soldi, Q & A: Annabel Daou,” Strange Fire, (November 24)


Christiane Meixner | Brühwürfel der Energie/Drawing – Concentrated Energy, tipBerlin/zitty, Berlin Art | Kunst

Birgit Sonna | Annabel Daou: Sprache ohne Grenzen, Art Magazin (January)

Gary Pini, “The 13 Must-See Art Shows Opening This Week”, Paper Magazine, (October 7)

Laura van Straaten “X marks the spot” A Magazine, Issue 81, (Dec 8)

Timotheus Vermeulen & Robin van den Akker, “Misunderstandings and clarifications,” Notes on Metamodernism, (June 3)

“Heartland-Territoire d’affects. Une terre d’amour et de désamour,” L’Hebdo Magazine, (November 2015)


Ingeborg Ruthe, “Zwischen Besitzen und Begehren,” Berliner Zeitung, May 8

Thomas W. Kuhn, “Intuition and capacity for flight,” artmagazine, May

Michael Corris “No Free Reading: Annabel Daou at Conduit Gallery,” Glasstire, March 2


Timotheus Vermeulen & Robin van den Akker, “Een verlangen naar oprechtheid – Het nieuwe tijdperk: metamodernisme

(A Desire for Honesty – The New Age: Metamodernism),” De Groene Ansterdammer, (September)


Timotheus Vermeulen, “Which side are you on?” Notes on Metamodernism, (June 19)

Barbara A. MacAdam, ARTnews (May)

Thomas W. Kuhn, Der Tagesspiegel (February 11)


Marie-Adele Moniot, “Close Encounters 2: Acts of Social Imagination, Artlies (Issue 63)

Blake Gopnik, Washington Post (June 7)

Melena Ryzik, New York Times (May 10)

Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe (April 15)

Karen Schiff, The Brooklyn Rail (May)

Bill Van Siclen, The Providence Journal (Jan 29)


Michelle Grabner, “Critics’ Picks,” Artforum (May)

Kevin Bouchard, Art Lies (Issue 57)

Charissa Terranova, ARTNews (April)

Jesse Hughey, Dallas Observer (Nov 4)

Charissa Terranova, Dallas Morning News (Oct 25)

Koan Jeff Baysa,“Lost in Transliteration,”Ctrl + Pdf, Journal of Contemporary Art (March)

Christopher Russell, artUS (Issue 20)

Holly Myers, Los Angeles Times (July 20)

Roberta Fallon, Philadelphia Weekly (January 17)

Edith Newhall, Philadelphia Inquirer (January 12)


Barbara A. MacAdam, “The New Abstraction,” ARTnews (April)


David Markus, The Brooklyn Rail (May)

Elisabeth Kley, Time Out, New York (April 20)


Edward Sozanski, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 6)

Roberta Fallon, Philadelphia Weekly (April 13)


Charissa Terranova, Dallas Observer (Sept 30)


Charles Dee Mitchell, Dallas Morning News (May 29)

Mike Daniels, Dallas Morning News (May 11)


Shelly Grimes, D Magazine (April)


Richard Reynolds, Flash Art International (Oct)

Sue Hubbard, Time Out, London (Sept 24- Oct 1)

T. Zag, Al Hayat (Arabic daily newspaper) (Sept 17)

N. Abu Hamad, Al Hawadeth (Oct 3-9)

Nour Al-Jarah, Al-Mushahid Assiyasi (Oct-Nov)

Mike Daniels, Dallas Morning News (June 27)

Suzanne Aktar, Fort Worth Star Telegram (June 22)


Susan Platt, Art Papers (July-Aug)

Wade Wilson, Fort Worth Star Telegram  (April 7)


Wade Wilson, Fort Worth Star Telegram (Oct 1)

Writing, Editing, and Publishing


Co-Author, “Sounding the Museum: A Shared Reflection on the Chou Hayda Intervention at the National Museum of Beirut,” Curator The Museum Journal, Volume 62, Issue 3


Author, “Revisiting america: The Declaration of Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms,” The Lantern


Collaborator (with David Markus), “Sex and Politics Revisited,” Transmission Annual (Provocation), Artwords, London, UK


Editor and Contributor, The DISARMORY, an edition of 10,000 newspapers produced in conjunction with Disarmory


Editor and Contributor, Impossibility Made Easy, exhibition catalog for aporia:aporia, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions,  Los Angeles, CA

Designer, National Reality, a broadsheet by Greta Byrum


Editor and Contributor, heuristics, exhibition catalog for aporia at EFA Gallery, New York, NY